Price list

We offer a wide range of services to help you grow your business. Below you can find the average prices for our most popular services.


Landing page website

Ideal for micro businesses to capture leads with a focused, high-converting online presence.

Average price: 230 - 280 USD

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Small business website

Establish your online presence and showcase your brand with a professional, user-friendly website designed to attract local customers.

Average price: 220 - 630 USD

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Private intranet web tool

Boost collaboration and streamline internal processes with a secure, custom-built intranet web tool tailored to your specific team needs.

Average price: 220k - 860 USD

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E-commerce website

Turn website visitors into customers with a feature-rich, secure e-commerce platform that makes selling your products online a breeze.

Average price: 1050 USD - 2250 USD

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Portfolio website

Impress potential clients and showcase your best work with a stunning and engaging portfolio website that reflects your unique style and expertise.

Average price: 220 USD - 460 USD

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Medium business website

Grow your brand and reach a wider audience with a dynamic and scalable website designed to accommodate the needs of a growing business.

Average price: 1050 - 1700 USD

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Blog website

Share your insights, establish yourself as an industry thought leader, and attract organic traffic with a user-friendly and visually appealing blog website.

Average price: 650 - 1050 USD

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Custom web application

Bring your innovative ideas to life with a custom-built web application that automates tasks, streamlines processes, and solves your specific business challenges.

Price negotiable

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Corporate website

Project a professional and trustworthy image with a comprehensive corporate website that informs stakeholders, communicates your values, and strengthens your brand identity.

Average price: 1060 - 2650 USD

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Poster design

Grab attention and get your message across with a captivating and visually striking poster design tailored to your target audience and event.

Average price: 20 - 40 USD

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Logo design

Create a lasting brand impression with a unique and memorable logo design that effectively communicates your company's essence.

Average price: 20 - 40 USD

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Web design

Craft a visually appealing and user-friendly web design that delivers an exceptional user experience and drives engagement across all devices.

Average price: 80 - 120 USD

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